ST JOSEPH’S CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR November 22 and 23, 2019

And, last but not least, was the book signing at St. Joseph’s School Christmas Craft Fair in Wakefield, MA over Friday and Saturday. Amy Lemieux has headed it up for the last 15 years. I used to work with Amy at McLean Hospital and she invited me to have a table at the fair this year. It was very kind of her to offer. We talked to a lot of interesting people-old friends we hadn’t seen in a long time, Amy’s family, a friend of Erin’s -Catie O’Flynn-, and new faces, especially Tim Looney, who has gone to Medjugorje (several times) as we had done in 2008, so we had a lot to talk about. We also met a new author, Linda Malcolm, who was doing her first book signing for her premier book: Cornfields to Codfish. The book is made up of contemplative essays from her years in Iowa to her current years in New England. Looks interesting. We exchanged copies of our books.

That finished off this month’s presentations/book signings. We’re taking the month of December off as that is Erin’s memorial month and our brains are pretty much mush for the whole month.

See you in 2020! We hope you all have a blessed Advent and a Merry Christmas! Also a Happy Hanukkah!


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